Grade 3

Place Value Unit

The Place Value Unit involves understanding and representing the relative position, magnitude and relationships within the numeration system in order to answer questions such as:

Grade 3 - Place Value Unit

Relationship Between Multiplication and Division

The Relationship between Multiplication and Division Unit involves identifying situations in the world outside the classroom in which each operation may be used to solve problems. Questions to answer may include:

  • How do multiplication situations differ from division situations?
  • How are the operations of multiplication and division related?
  • How can mental math, rounding, and/or the use of compatible numbers help to determine whether the solution to a multiplication or division problem makes sense?

Grade 3 - Relationship Between Multiplication and Division

Division Unit

The Division Unit involves identifying a variety of models to represent the process of division in order to learn how to use it to solve problems. Questions to answer may include:

Grade 3 - Division Unit

Comparing Fractions Unit

The Comparing Fractions Unit involves representing fractional parts of whole objects, lines, and sets in order to answer questions such as:

  • Why must we use the same “whole” when comparing fractional parts?
  • How can you prove that fractions are equivalent when using an area model such as pattern blocks or tangrams?
  • How can you prove that fractions are equivalent when using a linear model such as a strip or number line?
  • How can you prove that fractions are equivalent when using a set model such as 2-color counters?

Grade 3 - Comparing Fractions Unit

Measurement Unit

The Measurement Unit involves identifying the attribute being measured (such as length, area, time, capacity or weight); selecting an appropriate unit (such as a unit of length, area, time, capacity or weight) and comparing that unit with what is being measured. Questions to answer may include:

  • How does a unit of length differ from a unit of area?
  • How can you use the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and/or division to solve problems involving the measurement of different attributes?

Grade 3 - Measurement Unit

Geometry Unit

The Geometry Unit involves analyzing the defining attributes of 2-dimensional shapes and 3-dimensional solids in order to answer questions such as:

  • What characteristics do all of the shapes in this category possess?
  • How can you create additional examples to fit into the same category? Defend why your examples belong in the category.
  • How can you create example shapes that do NOT fit into the category? Defend why your examples do NOT fit within the category.

Grade 3 - Geometry Unit

Multiplication Unit

The Multiplication Unit involves identifying a variety of models to represent the process of multiplication in order to learn how to use it to solve problems. Questions to answer may include:

Grade 3 - Multiplication Unit


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