Grade 3

Measurement Unit

The Measurement Unit involves identifying the attribute being measured (such as length, area, time, capacity or weight); selecting an appropriate unit (such as a unit of length, area, time, capacity or weight) and comparing that unit with what is being measured. Questions to answer may include:

  • How does a unit of length differ from a unit of area?
  • How can you use the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and/or division to solve problems involving the measurement of different attributes?

Grade 3 - Measurement Unit

Geometry Unit

The Geometry Unit involves analyzing the defining attributes of 2-dimensional shapes in order to answer questions such as:

  • What characteristics do all of the shapes in this category possess?
  • How can you create additional examples to fit into the same category? Defend why your examples belong in the category.
  • How can you create example shapes that do NOT fit into the category? Defend why your examples do NOT fit within the category.

Grade 3 - Geometry Unit

Division Unit

The Division Unit involves identifying a variety of models to represent the process of division in order to learn how to use it to solve problems. Questions to answer may include:

Grade 3 - Division Unit

Multiplication Unit

The Multiplication Unit involves identifying a variety of models to represent the process of multiplication in order to learn how to use it to solve problems. Questions to answer may include:

Grade 3 - Multiplication Unit


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