Grade 1 - Equivalence Unit
The Equivalence Unit involves understanding the meaning of the equal sign in order to answer questions such as:
- If I have 5 red counters and 4 yellow counters on one side of the equal sign, how many yellow counters must I put with 2 red counters to equal the number of counters on the other side of the equal sign?
- If I have 7 on this side of the equal sign, what numbers can I put on the other side of the equal sign to make a true statement?
- What does the = symbol mean?
- When is it correct to use the equal sign?
- Is there another combination of numbers you can use to find the same total?
Math Concepts and Skills:
The student uses properties of operations to describe relationships.
The student:
- understands that the equal sign represents a relationship in which expressions on each side of the equal sign represent the same value.
Summative Assessment Task
Students determine if Ben and Jill have the same amount of ladybugs and crickets in their jars.
Instructional Tasks/Formative Assessments
Students determine if two boys have the same amount of apples and oranges.
Students determine if two boys find the same amount of tadpoles with a fishing net.
Students determine if Bob and Ann have the same amount of pennies in their hands.
Students determine if two boys have the same amount of stickers in their sticker books.