Grade 1

Money Unit

The Money Unit involves skip counting strategies to determine the value of a collection of coins in order to answer questions such as:

Grade 1 - Money Unit

Data Analysis Unit

The Data Analysis Unit involves collecting and organizing information to make it useful for answering questions such as:

  • Which group has more?
  • Which group has less?
  • Do any groups have the same number? How do you know?
  • Who might be interested in the information in your graph? Why?

Grade 1 - Data Analysis Unit

Fractions Unit

The Fraction Unit involves an introduction to fractions as equal parts of a whole in order to answer questions such as:

  • How can you tell that this circle has been split into halves?
  • Why has this square NOT been split into fourths?
  • How will you share this cookie with a classmate and make sure that each of you gets a fair share?

Grade 1 - Fractions Unit

Geometry Unit

The Geometry Unit involves analyzing attributes of two-dimensional shapes in order to answer questions such as:

  • What makes these shapes triangles?
  • Why is this shape a rectangle and not a triangle?
  • When I turn this shape, why is it still a square?
  • This shape is big and yellow. This shape is small and blue. Why are they both hexagons?

Grade 1 - Geometry Unit

Algebraic Reasoning Unit

The Algebraic Reasoning Unit involves understanding that the unknown can be any one of the three or four terms in an equation. Questions to answer may include:

  • If I know the starting number and the change, how can I find the result? (Such as 2 + 4 = ?)
  • If I know the starting number and the result, how can I find the change? (Such as 7 = 3 + ?)
  • If I know the change and the result, how can I find the starting number? (Such as ? - 3 = 5)

Grade 1 - Algebraic Reasoning Unit

Equivalence Unit

The Equivalence Unit involves understanding the meaning of the equal sign in order to answer questions such as:

  • If I have 5 red counters and 4 yellow counters on one side of the equal sign, how many yellow counters must I put with two red counters to equal the number of counters on the other side of the equal sign?
  • If I have 7 on this side of the equal sign, what numbers cans I put on the other side of the equal sign to make a true statement?

Grade 1 - Equivalence Unit

Strategies for Addition and Subtraction Unit

The Strategies for Addition and Subtraction Unit involves understanding the processes of addition and subtraction in order to solve problems and answer questions such as:

  • If we know all of the parts, how can we find the whole?
  • If we know the whole and one of the parts, how can we find the missing part?
  • Given an equation, can you create an addition or subtraction situation to match it? How can you prove it matches the equation?

Grade 1 - Strategies for Addition and Subtraction Unit

Composing and Decomposing Numbers Unit

The Composing and Decomposing Numbers Unit involves conceptualizing whole numbers in terms of their parts which builds flexible thinking, number sense and the foundation for addition and subtraction. Questions to answer might include:

  • How many different ways can you show ten in two parts?
  • What if zero can be one of the parts?
  • How will you know when you have found all the ways?

Grade 1 - Composing and Decomposing Numbers Unit


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