Kindergarten - Data Analysis Unit

The Data Analysis Unit involves collecting and organizing information to make it useful for answering questions such as—

  • Which group has more? How do you know?
  • Which group has less? How do you know?
  • Do any groups have the same number? How do you know?
  • Is there another way to sort your data/objects/cubes …?
  • How can a friend see how you sorted your data/objects/cubes …?

Math Concepts and Skills: 

The student collects and organizes data to make it useful for interpreting information.

The student:

  • collects, sorts, and organizes data into two or three categories.
  • uses data to create real-object graphs and picture graphs.
  • analyzes real-object graphs and picture graphs.

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Summative Assessment Task

Students sort nine pattern blocks and explain how the pattern blocks were sorted.

Instructional Tasks/Formative Assessments

Students sort cubes into groups, given a number of interlocking cubes.

Students sort attribute blocks into groups.

Students sort marshmallows by shape and then count the total number of each marshmallow shape.

Students sort nine buttons and explain how the buttons were sorted.

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