Grade 3 - Data Analysis Unit

The Data Analysis Unit involves collecting and organizing information in order to make it useful for summarizing and analyzing. Questions to answer may include:

  • Why does your display best represent the information you collected?
  • Who might be interested in the data you collected? Why?
  • What questions can you create that CAN be answered using the information in your graph?
  • What question(s) CANNOT be answered using the information in your graph? Why? What additional data might you need to collect and/or how might your display need to change so your question(s) CAN be answered?

Math Concepts and Skills: 

The student solves problems by collecting, organizing, displaying, and interpreting data.

The student:

  • collects and organizes data with multiple categories and summarizes it using a frequency table, line plot, pictograph, or bar graph with scaled intervals.
  • creates and solves one- and two-step problems using categorical data represented in a frequency table, line plot, pictograph, or bar graph with scaled intervals.

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Summative Assessment Task

Given three options, students survey their classmates to determine which prize most students would like to receive for winning the Read a Book Contest.

Instructional Tasks/Formative Assessments

Students survey the class to see what to eat for dinner, and use the data to create a bar graph.

Students organize and display data to show how many carrots were found in each student's bag.

Students survey the class to determine if the class should put on a magic show or a puppet show.

Students organize and represent data that shows how many soccer balls were sold at the sport store.

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