Grade 1 - Data Analysis Unit

The Data Analysis Unit involves collecting and organizing information to make it useful for answering questions such as—

  • Which group has more?
  • Which group has less?
  • Do any groups have the same number?
  • How do you know?
  • Who might be interested in the information in your graph? Why?
  • Can you explain your chart to your math buddy?
  • What strategy did you use to determine ____?
  • What questions can you make about your tally chart/bar graph/chart …?

Math Concepts and Skills: 

The student organizes data to make it useful for interpreting information and solving problems.

The student:

  • collects, sorts, and organizes data in up to three categories.
  • uses data to create picture graphs and bar-type graphs.
  • draws conclusions and generates and answers questions using information from picture graphs and bar-type graphs.

Find tasks by units of study

Summative Assessment Task

Students survey the class to determine what David should name his new dog.

Instructional Tasks/Formative Assessments

Students survey the class to determine if the typical first grader eats one, two, or three sandwiches for lunch.

Students determine how to collect and display data that shows which color a bedroom should be painted.

Using survey results, students determine which animal is the favorite of the 10 children surveyed.

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