Kindergarten - Composing and Decomposing Numbers Unit

The Composing and Decomposing Numbers Unit involves conceptualizing whole numbers in terms of their parts which builds flexible thinking, number sense and the foundation for addition and subtraction. Questions to answer might include—

  • How many different ways can you show five with the fingers on both hands?
  • How will you know when you have found all the ways?
  • Why is it important to find different combinations (ways) to build ten?
  • Did you see any patterns when you showed the combinations for ___?

Math Concepts and Skills: 

The student develops strategies for whole number addition and subtraction in order to solve problems.

The student:

  • composes and decomposes numbers up to 10 with objects and pictures.

Find tasks by units of study

Summative Assessment Task

Students find two ways to put five apples in two bowls.

Instructional Tasks/Formative Assessments

Students find all the possible combinations of putting nine dimes into two bowls.

Students determine two ways Beth can arrange her rings on her fingers.

Students determine how many ways Linda can arrange her beads in bags.

Students find two ways to put six oranges in two baskets.

Students find four different ways to put seven markers in two cans.

Students find five different ways to put ten crackers on two plates.

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